Friday, February 23, 2007

Sans profit

This was another idea I had for a non-profit group. You see a lot of churches and fundraising organizations with some of the worst collateral imaginable. Their flyers have typos and are poorly designed. If they have a website, it’s hard to navigate. What I’d like to see is a place where these groups can get some help with that aspect of their business.

Designing a flyer isn’t hard, but it can go horribly wrong if you aren’t careful. I think sometimes people believe that if one piece of clipart is good, then two must be better, right? Well, um, maybe. But probably not.

Also, websites are daunting. If you’re just getting by, maybe this isn’t your first priority.

So here’s how this would work. You would have a handful of full-time staff, but not very many. Maybe three? Anyway, everyone else is a volunteer, possibly spread out all over the world. Designers, copy writers, etc. You (being the non-profit in need of help) send this group (insert clever name here) the text you want for your flyer, or some information on your group, we send you back a printable PDF in three days. Or we build you a website and teach you how to update it.

It’s a non-profit ad agency, basically.

This could do some good.

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