Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Chorist

This is a fantasy job style post not unlike another recent post of mine. This is for the rebirth of the handyman, jack-of-all-trades roll. I'd like to see people for hire that are just competent on many issues. Probably this means repair, landscaping and assorted household issue type of work. Not high brow or whatever.

I could see this being of use most in communal living environments so that you could have an extended need for such a person. And then like second most in city living where a building could have a super type person who fixes things and does general work. In fact I think this should make city living more communal, opening the door to your other building mates to help you fix things. I think third most this would be a rad job to have in the suburbs. Like an adult version of the kid down your block who will mow your lawn and clean you pool, but could also like, help you build your deck and re-tile your roof.

Really want I want to do is to write a book with a character who has found a way to make this a viable form of work in an unlikely communal scene. And I would like them to serve sort of as the chorus in ancient greek plays. But I think this person would serve as a form of glue for a community. This person will revert some of the bad division of labour stuff. I could see this person openly teaching the things they know, cause they are sort of a storehouse for knowledge. They aren't a craftsman trying to maintain a stable hold on a business but an effusive center of information wanting to inform the community. And since the community is pretty dumb, they will really never stop needing to be educated.

I guess this comes down to attempting to replace a little bit of the simplicity I thought should be in the world when I was young. This is a kind of work that I can understand. It isn't greedy. It isn't oriented towards developing or expanding or profit. It is oriented towards continuation of life, upkeep and community. It would appear I'd like to be back on a farm. So I'm just another back to nature anachronist. Sue me.

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