Monday, June 11, 2007


I had this thought during all the Sopranos hype, but I don't know if it's actually possible.

Having a series finale that lives up to expectations is incredibly difficult. I would wager it's impossible to satisfy everyone.

But here's the idea: what if producers and directors didn't tell anyone it was the series finale? Again, not sure if this could even happen. It would be an incredible secret. And the studios would miss out on all the build-up.

But I think this would generate some buzz after the fact and send everyone scrambling. So you have your finale and then tell everyone that was it and stop answering questions. People would be clamoring to figure things out and put all the pieces together, except it would already be done.

Or maybe you say it's ending in the next 5 weeks, but not the exact date.

It would take the right kind of show. There needs to be some intrigue to the whole experience. Like, if CSI: Miami did this, I don't think it would be very effective.

But what if Lost did it? Like, all of a sudden, there's no more Lost. That's it. You've seen it all.

It's hard to predict what the reaction would be, but I bet whatever it was, it would be loud.

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