Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Quickly now

I have to give a big Steve Nash-like assist to Brother Nate on this one. It wasn't his idea, but he came through with some details that made me really believe it was possible.

Everyone is familiar with the concept of fast food. It isn't complicated, and it's readily available. But for the most part, it's pretty gross. There is an enjoyable component to the whole process, but let's be honest, it's gross.

So my idea is to start a restaurant that serves really high-end fast food made with quality ingredients. The menu options are going to be based on whether or not the dish can be completed in six minutes or less. It may not be a complete menu, but the food we serve is going to be delicious. I don't know what the turnaround time at Jack in the Box is, but we're shooting for eight minutes or less. Maybe that isn't fast enough. If not, we'll just change it to four minutes and be done with it.

I'm envisioning a lot of salads and soups. Maybe some tacos. Finding a way to have quality pre-cooked meat may be difficult, but is entirely possible. So we're going to do that. I would imagine there'd be a large variety of vegetarian and raw foods, just because of the time.

I don't have a name for this place yet, but it's going to effing awesome. Maybe that should be the name....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

check out Burgerville.com, haven't eaten there yet, but the word is that it is most definitely the best 'fast food' out there