Friday, June 15, 2007

When the spirit moves you

I've been reading the Bible. Ok, not the Bible exactly. It's called "The Story Bible". Some kind soul translated all the text in the Bible into an easy to read narrative where the lessons and anecdotes are all readily present.

It's an odd thing to read. I am not a deeply religious person, but I felt the large number of people who swear by the book was a silent, rumbling recommendation I no longer felt like ignoring. It's interesting. I'm not rushing out the door to church, but I feel like I've gained some insight into why other people do and say the things they do.

I'm not suggesting you read it. Bear with me a second.

I've learned some interesting things already, too. The releasing of doves in ceremony may have started with Noah and his arc. And I wonder how people reconcile death through flooding since God proclaimed early on that no man shall die of through flooding (thanks to Noah being so awesome).

But as I read it, I wonder if I could get similar satisfaction from reading the Qor'an or the Book of Mormon. What I want, and the idea, is for someone to turn those books into easy to read narratives. Call me lazy, I don't care. This is the way I can approach the text and it works for me. And I really do want to know what's inside those books.

They may already exist, but I certainly can't seem to find them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I hope I'm not the only one, but your heading made me start singing a certain Marvin Gaye song in my head.

as you can tell, boring day at work.