Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What fucking aisle is the charcoal in?

I've asked that question. Out loud, but to myself. And I haven't gotten a response believe it or not. This may have happened to you, too. You may have been in a popular supermarket, any chain will do, and wondered where the soap, or the condoms, or the roasted peppers are. And the next step, after wondering that and wandering the aisles for a bit, is to wonder where someone you might could ask is hiding. You know, like an employee of that fine establishment. And of course you never find one. You just walk and walk and look and look.

I think this might solve all that. It'll solve it for those of us with cellular telephones anyway. It's a simple phone number that you text with the name of what you're looking for. Then, seconds later, you get a note back that says: aisle 5. You get an answer to your question! Just like that! It's really quite simple.

There are a million other ways to do this. There could be little units located throughout the store on which you could look things up, not unlike Borders. Or it could be a website that's only accessible from inside that store. Doesn't matter. But this would improve a lot of shopping experiences.

Maybe they want you to hunt and see things you never knew you needed and that aren't on your list. Maybe that's part of their evil code of ethics. I have no idea. But if that's the case...fuck them.


Anonymous said...

Done and Done. Anything else??

Anonymous said...

Can you guys get a comment system that doenst suck so much? Much appreciated.

Go here first and on the left, supermarket of the future.

Anonymous said...

right? i'm all about this. i can never find the chapstick.