Sunday, August 24, 2008


Kind of a simple idea on a Saturday. I'm hoping to add some specific ideas in the future, but consider this your primer.

Just go get up in some hijinx. And interpret that however you want. Pull some pranks, steal something, do some performance art, or have an adventure. Embrace your inner shit-stirrer and go cause some trouble. Or do some good and cause the other kind of trouble. The positive side. And yeah, there's a positive side to trouble.

I've kind of gotten off track with explaining why I think ideas are worthwhile. And it totally isn't because I don't feel the need to explain myself to you. I do. But I'll try it here. I think hijinx are worthwhile because it let's you be creative, will definitely reduce some stress, and allows you to put some serious energy into something other than work. And there's nothing wrong with that.

You can do this as an individual or get a team together and pull off something elaborate.

My only word of caution is that you should definitely consider people's feelings when you put your scheme in place. Try not to be a total asshole.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I once went on a ski trip with a bunch of people...our host, who shall remain nameless, made milkshakes for everyone. He put laxatives in two of the drinks and weed in another. Everyone in the cabin was pissed off. The next day our host got hit in the nuts with multiple snowballs.

Hijinx + Karma = Awesome