Monday, November 10, 2008

Oats Sown

I've always found it incredibly odd that tradition feels the need to make a point of the end of bachelorial freedom. I'm not sure I get why there is this 'last night as a free man' thing that goes on before dudes are married. It certainly doesn't match with my own experience of couple's life and as far as I can tell it doesn't seem to have been an issue for any of my friends either. It's like, you're in a relationship because you want to be and you're already in it wholeheartedly before you decided to wed. I'll diagnose all of this as a changing world in which we're more and more inclined to make these decision for ourselves with the stamp of religious, political or societal approval. That said, let's have an idea.

Perhaps people who do feel the need to roam about should plan ahead a little. I'm suggesting a conscious period of wandering about in the romantic realms (works for both girls and boys). Partially I'm taking a cue from a friend of mine who seems to have had no interest in pursuing relationships at all. As opposed to assuming this is about attachment issues, perhaps it is just a willful experiencing of the romantic w/o the commitment side. And perhaps that's healthy. Perhaps that allows peeps to enter more contentedly into serious commitments. Which, yay. Seriously judging by divorce rates people need to figure out how to come into relationships more contented and ready for the long haul. I won't launch into a diatribe about people working harder to make things work once they are there. I'll save that for another day.

1 comment:

Ciana said...

There is a disturbing theme going on here.

Also, don't you feel like it's a western Euro thing, such as Mardi Gras? It's an "eat all you can before you starve during the winter" philosophy. Which is sad when it comes to marriage...