Saturday, November 29, 2008

Saturation Point

This might qualify as a bad idea, but it's interesting, and interesting is good, so I'm going for it.

The idea: Test how truly awesome the things you love are by saturating yourself with them beyond normal usage. We're talking music, movies, people, food, activities, colors, adventures, any old thing. You could set up a sort of experiment, such as: I will listen to Song X ten times today, and see how I feel afterward. Or, I will only wear turquoise for the next week, and see what happens. Chocolate will be the main ingredient in everything I eat until Friday. I will spend every afternoon with Fred until something dramatic happens. Et cetera.

Saturate yourself to the point where you feel questionably comfortable, and let me know what happens. I am reasonably certain at this point in my life that certain things are so amazing that there is never enough, and that I can't experience them enough times, and that there is no saturation point. It'd be good to have empirical proof of this, however. So get to it!

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