Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Sex Diet

I like to think that if people had shit to do all the time, and weren't ever bored, they'd eat a lot less.

Of course not everyone eats when they're bored. But a lot of people do.

So my idea is to have sex every time you're bored. More sex = less food = dieting. Not to mention all the positive health benefits obtained through regular intercourse.

But let's slow down a second. Obviously it isn't that easy. You need a partner, and you need a partner who's into it and has a similar schedule as you. And is also down to have lots and lots of sex. Not easy to find I guess. But if you know this person, then there's no reason you can't get started on this diet today. And what if you don't know this person? Then it gives you something to shoot for.

You should also eat healthy foods to replace all the energy you're using blah, blah, blah....

UPDATE: This already exists. Fuck you, Kerry McCloskey. Fuck you.

1 comment:

Ciana said...

most catching title to date! and perhaps even the BEST IDEA EVERRRRR!