Thursday, December 11, 2008

Two Stacks / We want two stacks

Pavement, yes. Good eye indy jerks.

This post is about grading papers. But it could just as easily be about any project you're taking on that is in its essence very repetitive but requires your brain to be somewhat alert while doing it. Like if you had to write emails to fifty important people in a row and fairly quickly. I don't know. Read and the apply to your own work at will.

The thing with grading papers is...well there are two things. First, it requires you to be on your game. You have to be able to read things that don't always make sense. you've got to focus. And then judge. The second thing is that there is generally time pressure. Which doesn't always mean you have the luxury of quitting when you lose your eyes or your head.

Currently solution? Go ahead and do the work. But sort them into: wide awake and with it on one hand and sleepy and fog-headed on the other. The wide awake pile, you're done with those. The fog pile has to get a second look. Chances are you've probably done most of the work for yourself already. But it is probably best to be sure that you haven't accidentally drawn funny cartoon figures in the margins or circled words you found funny the first time you read it.

You'll thank yourself. Your students won't. But maybe you'll see less of them in Office Hours the following week.

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