Sunday, January 11, 2009

Rooftop garden subsidy

You know how you can get tax credits or something for putting up solar panels? I think we should also have subsidies for other kinds of green roofs and environmentally friendly initiatives.

I don't really know what's involved in converting a normal roof to one of those living roofs, but it would be really cool if you could grow stuff on top of apartment buildings - especially if you could grow food. They say you save on heating/cooling expenses with something like that, you're helping convert more carbon dioxide into oxygen and you're still making use of the solar energy hitting your roof. Only you eat it instead of turning your lights on with it.

I don't know if rooftop farms are really that practical in terms of green roofs since it's possible they need deeper soil than what you can get away with on a roof and the roof pitch might not be quite right, but if it would work, how cool would that be? Even having a decent container garden on your roof could help deal with some of your water run off.

You could make a little CSA for people living in apartment buildings. Granted you couldn't feed all of a high rise with one little plot, but the people who tended it could share the food. Anyway, it's a start. At the very least, I'm always in favor of plants.

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