Saturday, March 31, 2007

Really Awkwardly Casual Friday

The idea is simple, revolutionary and not a single person will like it, see value in it, or ever do it. And that my friends in hyperbole.

Naked office day. Everyone comes in and has to spend the entire 8 hours naked. All day. Sure they can crank the buildings heat, set soon to be disposed of towels on every seat. This would be disastrously horrible, but great from a humanistic standpoint. People need to get the eff over it. This would work equally well for making everyone around you seem human and totally destroying maybe an awkward casual flirtation. Point is, offices have a set of regulations. If those were brought to bear on having to interact with someone in the nude both systems would be irreparably mixed and damaged. So, the poor secretary that is always getting ogled will instead be patently avoided at any chance on eye contact, she will have the force of her abrupt nudity to shy away lurkers. Of course, anyone still ogling during such an experiment should probably be fired from any company, simply for complete lack of tact. See, another benefit. But the office social system would be so shaken, everyone would be reminded of their frailty and commonality. It would be a wondrous disaster and probably no one should ever try it.


Unknown said...

wow. please let's never do this.

Ciana said...

you are amazing.

though i deem it impractical, i still like where this is going, from a big-picture standpoint.

and it made me laugh.