Sunday, April 15, 2007

An emotional crisis checklist

Preventative maintanence is the best kind, or so I'm told. And maybe this doesn't exactly fall under the category of maintenance, but it's close.

We all go through those times when we just feel like we're going to breakdown. And we need to get in touch with those people we've identified, either formally or informally, as the ones to get us through it.

You can make a checklist of all those people, and rank them according to how likely they are to answer the phone, how helpful they'll be, and any other number of criteria you want to ascribe.

And do it now. When you're level headed and can think logically about what the best choices to make are when you aren't so much with the level head. That way when things get bad you won't have to make any decisions. Just find the list, and start making phone calls. And crying. Or whatever.

Maybe you could add some things you like to do the list. Like go for a walk. Or watch a movie. Basically, do the prep work now so you don't have to when you've got a billion other things, or one really heavy thing, weighing on your mind.

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