Sunday, April 22, 2007

Self-esteem bank

This seems like it should be straight out of a self-help book. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But because that is sort of the genesis for this idea, it may not be for everyone. You take anything that seems helpful and leave the rest. It isn't like you have to adopt the whole idea in its entirety.

So the idea is that you get a bowl, or box, or container of some sort and keep it where you put your keys. Or mail. Just somewhere you see it a lot. Then maybe you could decorate it. Next step is carrying a little notepad with you EVERYWHERE and writing down every nice thing someone says about you. Everything. In fact, just write down any thought, lyric, or doodle that makes you feel good. It's all about the positive here. Accumulate those notes and start depositing them in the container.

When you have a bad day, you pull out a note and read it. If you still don't feel better, read another one. Keep reading them until you feel a little bit better. Take all the notes and put them back in, as long as their still effective. If they stop helping, get rid of 'em. Or bench them to pull out later. It doesn't matter.

Just always be adding. Every good thing you can think to put in there. That's your self-esteem account.

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