Friday, April 27, 2007

Working title

Title your life. As in, if someone was making a movie or writing a book about your life, what would it be called?

See, Johnny Cash had two books written about him. Or maybe he wrote them. It doesn't matter. They were about him. One was called "Man in Black" and the other was called "Cash". Those names kind of sum it all up. Or are at least partially exemplary of what he was and was about.

So your job is to pick a title that best embodies, or gets darn close, your life.

Maybe it's called "Subtle", or "The Bottlerocket Incident". I don't know. I don't know you that well.

Part of the reason to perform this silly little task is self-preservation. Perhaps the title you keep coming back to isn't very flattering. Like "Goat Effer". And maybe you see that the path you are on isn't due to change anytime soon. This is a little chance for a wakeup call. A chance to grab the wheel and lean into changing your course.

Or maybe it's a chance to pay yourself a nice compliment and give yourself an endearing title. Like "Goat...Helper".

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