Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Holy Toledo!

I don't know how well known the name "Bill King" is to the general population. I'm assuming most everyone has at least heard of him. I know, for a lot of people, he played an important role in their life.

I cried when he died. I can say that about exactly two living things, even though I'm sure I have a lot more crying over death to do. I also know I wasn't the only person who cried about it.

You can read his bio here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_King. And a eulogy here: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2005/10/19/SPGD1FANUT1.DTL

Anyway, to me he was the voice of the A's. He started broadcasting their games on the radio in 1981, a year after I was born, and did so until he died in 2005. I think about him everytime I listen to a game now. It's ridiculous.

My idea, and I would do this myself if I had talent or money, is for a documentary made about his life. I want interviews with his peers and clips of his famous calls. I want home movies and anecdotes.

Right after he passed there was some scattered pieces of this all over the radio and in the news. It was nice to hear, but then it was gone. And the thing described in the wikipedia article sounds nice, but it wasn't open to the public.

I guess I just feel like he was important enough to memorialize in this way, at least to me and my generation. And apparently to generations before me as well. I'm going to want to tell my kids about him. And I will. But they won't get to hear him, or have any context for their crazy dad's stupid stories about Bill King.

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