Monday, July 28, 2008

Boat fights

So you know those late night DVD's people are always hocking? Someone's going wild, or bums are punching each other or what have you.

If I had an ounce of Joe Francis in me (and I think he uses that as a pick up line) then I would do this. But I don't. So I'll give it to you. Go make a mint. Somebody already stole Make Out Porn. Well, kind of.

Anyway, this idea is to film all the verbal fights that couples get into regarding their boats. If you haven't seen one, they're are effing ridiculous. Full on screaming matches over the smallest little thing are the norm. I don't know what it is about boats that make people turn into, well, crazy people. But it so happens. All that time, especially at lakes. I find it hilarious and want to film it and sell it to people. I guess I'm kind that way.

The best action you get is at the launch ramp when people are trying to get their boat onto the trailer and can't seem to get it on straight. Fireworks, man, fireworks.

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