Friday, July 25, 2008

Public Roads

Well I'm not crazy. I'm just a little paranoid and optimistic. So let's begin.

I want public roads. Non-government, privately funded, but publicly accessible. I guess the only way to achieve such a thing would be to have private property owners give access to certain pathes through their land. And have the gov give access to some of their land too, but like, not have to tend after it or anything.

All I'm thinking is that this would be an interesting place to start replacing both the gov and the private sector. I mean, it probably is just me that might even want these things. But this would be like a first public thing. Totally independent, totally open. This has value for me.

You've heard of free the net, where people give you access to their wifi connection and it forms a giant network over a large space. Well this would be similar but over the physical space of the real world. I feel like you could create some interesting ungoverned space out of it. Like not really subject to the same laws as either private property or government roads.

Or maybe I just really hate the speed limit. I mean, I cannot drive 55.

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