Thursday, July 17, 2008

Small Plates

Just like it sounds man. I really like the idea of a restaurant that has only fairly small physical plates. And then serves on them a fully plated abundance of food. Like with all the trimmings. Meat, starch, veggies. Whatever. But like, in small portions each. So you have a brimming plate of all you could want, but it is in totally reasonable portions.

While this is in some ways a health or diet type of thing, I think more importantly it's about the comedy of a glorious over filled plate at such a small size. I think people would enjoy that. And would also be happy that they didn't have to over eat their meals. And if a place really wanted they could even provide 'leftovers' that are specially made to be leftovers and not actual meal leftovers. Like they would be ideal for reheating and in some perfect container. But I suppose that is actually a different idea. And maybe even a better one...

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