Saturday, August 30, 2008

Burn it

I'm at Burning Man this week...and I'm posting from beyond the grave (insert creepy voice and finger wiggle)...I mean from the future (laser noises and more eerie noises)...I mean the past (for reals, that you blogger - you know who you are - I mean, I know who you are - at least those of you who take care of the help content).

Anyways...burn it.

Something that is important to you but causing you pain. Or something that you're holding on to for reason you don't understand. I know this is sort of out there and ethereal. But I think people do tend to have something around them, physical or metaphysical (in which case find a representative object to burn) that is holding them in ways they didn't intend or don't want and can't seem to shake.

Burning Man, it seems to me, was started on the premise that holding onto things can be a pretty dangerous activity (not that it shouldn't be done but that it should be done with care). And that there is a value to letting go, giving up, being willing to accept temporality. At least those things are the things that have always struck me about it.

So find that thing and physically burn it. Cause fire can be fun.


You could just let something go. Not like a love that is supposed to fly back to you, but as something that is hightailing it out and away never more to return.

Do it now. And sleep easier.

I'm probably intoxicated while this is appearing in digital "print" and watching the big guy burn. So thanks again blogger.

Imma let go something too. I just have to think up what.

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