Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Everything is something

I think this idea translates best as a radio show. And I'm going to do my best to get an episode or two finished and posted somewhere before November 1 (which is a significant date for AE).

Anyway, the idea is for a show called "Everything is Something". And the point of the show, or hopefully the end result, is that we ask more questions than we answer. It boils down to a dialogue between people who've given that day's subject some thought. The people involved would be one step above a random sample off the street, but one step below experts. This isn't a Q&A with someone who thinks they've got all the answers. This show would be about asking why things are the way they are, what motivates people, what would it take to stimulate change, etc.

I think the show boils down to respecting everyone's perspective, realizing that everyone is an expert on their own opinions, and that everything, no matter how small, has some weight in the conversation.

The format is up in the air, but I like the idea of two hosts who get things started and then bring in the guests one at a time. I don't if radio works all that well with more than four people on air, so we'd limit it at that. I think we'd give guests the questions in advance just to get their brain started on thinking about it. I don't want it to be a call-in show where people can throw quick bursts of thought and then get out. If someone has an opinion, we'll look at it. Find out why they feel the way they do, etc.

Here's some topics I've been kicking around:

Sports journalism
Why is it so bad? What would it take for it to change? How did it get this way?

Social Networking (I stole this one from the person I want to be my co-host)
Why do we do it? Why do some people choose not to participate? How do we decide what parts of ourselves make it onto our sites?

Global warming
How scared are we? How scared should we be? What's real? What isn't? How do we tell "good" science from "bad" science?

Again, the point is not to answer any of these questions. They're just jumping off points to ask more questions. There really isn't a goal in mind, other than to open the dialogue and see what people are thinking. I don't know just yet what place statistics and studies would have here. I think they'd be welcome, but if a study or survey can answer our questions then I think we're asking the wrong ones.

So yeah, I'm kinda excited.

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