Saturday, August 9, 2008

I hate the homeless...ness problem

I was watching Dr. Horrible (which is great) again and I thought, hey that guy in the crowd looks like my might be retarded or crazy. And then I thought, I have ridiculous ideas and have a place to put those.

What if you gave the mentally insane, or challenged or whatever a role on something the ran quite frequently like a series or a long running commercial. Nothing that required much or them and nothing that exploited them, but something that would pay some sort of residual check. That way they'd be getting money as long as the thing went on without having really to do anything. Which they aren't really capable of doing anyways.

I mean, there are so many flaws with this idea that I don't want to enumerate them. But I think the right people doing this in the right way could be an amazing way to create income for people that couldn't otherwise achieve it. And maybe there could even be an insane and (separately, cause I don't mean to be lumping groups together like this) retarded actors guild that looks after issues like this to make sure nobody is taken advantage of.

But I mean, if someone is getting money from this stuff I'd rather that it's like, some dude who needs it, than like some dick who is lazy. Is all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got nothing against this idea. But there would probably be some people who would argue that it takes years of training to be able to achieve the perfect facial expression as a background character or whatever. I find that in real life people often pull odd faces that may seem out of place, so that doesn't bother me.

Hard to endorse this idea without offending anyone, of course, but still.