Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Public Cookery

Maybe you know that I'm really into food and building communal actives and community around food. Well this is about that.

I want people to be able and encouraged to cook together and for each other. The two things that exist already, as far as I know, that fit what I want are BBQ pits and grills at public parks and those commercial places where you can go and cook food in the store and potentially meet other people and what not (they have ingredients and cooking supplies you can use).

What I'm imagining is something like the intersection of these things. Outdoor spaces primarily that allow people to do a variety of cooking actives, meaning grills and full stoves and things. And a place that can rent out equipment of a whole variety of things: dutch ovens, the stoves themselves and like firewood and fuel and platters and things.

I sort of envision this like a recreation group that rents out boats and has food and stuff. But I'd like to see it done on the cheap if possible. And you could build the place up so that people could sort of congregate together in some central areas like an auditorium or a big central set of tables. And it could be like a big party every night. Maybe people would want to trade food and hang out. Maybe someone would bring music or instruments. Maybe it'd be a big dance.

All I know is that I want more things that create communal space. Whatever. They exist we just need to work on expanding them purview.

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