Thursday, August 21, 2008

Virtual Dinner

This idea was coauthored by Ciana and I as we video chatted today. Maybe people do this already. If they don't I think they're probably really missing out.

Have dinner with someone you love via video chat. Or have dinner with an internet friend you've never met over the video interneting airwaves. Both options could be really fun.

For people who are at a long distance and already love each other it is a chance to do something really normal together (in a bizarre way, yes, but still). You can sit and eat and sort of absentmindedly chat. That way you something to do while you're chatting and looking at one another instead of a sort of unnatural complete concentration on a video screen. Which I think none of us is quite adjusted to yet.

The other side, which is probably just as or more valuable would be for people who haven't met in real life, either chatting, gaming friends or maybe people who are on match together or something, myspace, facebook &c. It's sort of a like a starter date to see if the person is actually normal and can hold like see and speak conversations with other people. For serious I'm not sure it would be too easy to fake not being creepy in an extended conversation via video chat and while eating and what not. The situation sort of forces you in its ridiculousness to be a little more real to yourself, probably a little embrassed and self conciouse, you know, like a normal first date.

There. There it is. Solved the whole internet stalking problem in one take. You're welcome.

1 comment:

Ciana said...

we really must experiment with this before recommending it to people; that said, it's still a very good idea, in theory!