Friday, August 22, 2008

Random Flyer Party

I don't know if this would actually work or if you'd end up with a bunch of crazy people at your house. So maybe have it at someone else's house. Problem solved.

The idea is to create a flyer that advertises a party and then distribute it to strangers that you think look cool. It sounds creepy, I know, but I think a lot of it depends on the delivery. And it helps if you tell them to bring whoever they want. Like one flyer is good for ten people or something. And make it official. Have a sponsor and a band and food. And do it at a bar (house problem solved twice now) so they don't have to worry about being poisoned or whatever else it is people worry about.

I think it would be cool to have a party with a bunch of strangers. But not just random people, it would be people you picked based on some merit. Like how they look. Which is the only way we judge people anyway.

So you go out, hand out the flyers to whoever looks friendly and then wait for everyone to show up and have a good time.

A variation on this is to get 8 friends together and then tell them they have 6 hours to get a team of 5 people together for games. Tug of war, water balloon toss, that sort of stuff. But the teams wouldn't know each other and the captains would kind of have to grab whoever was down to come out and play.

It kind of sounds fun to me. Actually, I'm bored with it. Let's go do something else.

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