Monday, September 8, 2008

Private Trains

Now come along with me on this one. There are a shit ton of train tracks. And I'm sure that there are limited times to make use of them (unlike the sky where I imagine you can just sort of go hogwild spinning around without a care in the world), but I also assume that there is less train traffic now than there was at some point. Which means trains not running at max capacity, someone would be happy to see an increase.

And I want that increase to be private trains. Imagine hopping on your own train, you know a fairly short one, and just getting taken off to wherever you wanna go. Why doesn't some big celebrity already do this? I imagine some celebrity would even want to become an engineer and actually drive the thing.

It could spawn a whole niche train industry even. Where like there could be party trains. And touring trains like cruise ships. Or even just like wandering trains that just ran the rails forever. I feel like there would be two brand new industries here. One for people with enough money to get their own trains and one for little train companies to do more interesting things with trains. More interesting than just taking people places I mean.

So yes. Give it.

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