Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Social Reality

Continuing the theme from yesterday...

I'm advocating for a social networking site that allows you to create a portrayal of your social world. Meaning you can create the picture of your particular social world, including family and word and friends and historical relationship. You create these things and if they can be connected to the pages created by real people...great. But if not you can fill them in as full as you'd like and then get a picture of what it is that is really surrounding you in the world of people.

I think what you might find is that your real picture isn't necessarily like what your ideal people would be. And is even more distinct from the picture created by typical social networks where the first rule of the day is that they belong to your same social network. If they don't they have no place in that social picture. Which means it isn't your reality. Friends from high school blend with current friends with work friends and with bosses and lovers. Too much of a mess.

Ideally you could display this in an easy to use graphic that sort of created these clusters of people and you could move between them visually (which would most likely include some cross over too). There could even be a history line where your "first met" and "last saw" date could sort your friends by when they are or were in your life.

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