Thursday, September 18, 2008

Modern Dance

This is sort of boring. So stop reading now if you're easily bored. But you know, keep reading, if you like me and stuff.

I read this biography of Lucia Joyce, James Joyce's daughter, cause I'm a big Joyce fan and I thought she was an interesting character in the world, raised by this sort of crazy, totally irresponsible genius type, who was sort of engaged to Samuel Beckett and then sort of went crazy. But you know, maybe not really.

Well it was a really good read. Interesting to think about what we consider sane and not. And what it means to grow up speaking four different languages in a crazy jumbled jibber-jabber.

But none of that is the point.

She was really into modern dance. Hence the title. And I know nothing about modern dance except that hackneyed stereotypes that find it utterly ridiculous. And I still not nothing about modern dance except that it elicited a picture of Lucia Joyce (one of my favourite photographs in existence--also, helpfully the book cover) and it was something that she--and one assume many other people--find great value in.

All that is to say that perhaps I should give a little cred to an art form I don't understand and try to look into it and see where all that value is hiding.

And all that is to say, that perhaps you should pick something that is on the edge of your consciousness, something that someone you respect is into, but you couldn't care a whit for. And then, you know, check it out. Give it the time of day and just see where that takes you.

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