Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Life your life all alone

I'm not saying you should do this. Or me, for that matter. But maybe one of those kooky documentarians could pull it off for us?

The ground rules would have to be slightly liberal. I mean, I don't want to know what a shut in does all day (ok, I kind of do. But not for this particular project). I'd just like to know what it would do to someone if they developed and maintained zero personal relationships for a year. You'd have to change up your shopping and living habits. Maybe you'd need to travel to avoid seeing the same people? There'd be no email or social networking. No online video games.

You might die. I don't really know. But it would be interesting. I think you'd really get a sense of the value that even those little exchanges have on us. And how important it is to have friends and family, even if those relationships aren't the greatest thing ever.

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