Monday, October 27, 2008

Want to sell more houses? Design them this way.

My man on the inside tells me that the housing market is slowing down. This is inside information though, so please don't go gabbing to everyone. But I hear that by adding value to the homes and the area around them, you can still move some product.

Things like schools and parks nearby are important but so are innovative features like solar panels and creative storage. People don't want the same old, same old.

So here's what I suggest: Secret rooms and passageways to add value. How cool would this be?!?! It would be great if you had kids, but even if you didn't I think most adults took some joy out of having a secret room or two. And because you'd be adding these features from the beginning you could save a lot of money. It's not like you'd need to do any remodelling. You'd just build it into the plans.

You could have rooms behind mirrors, stairs under carpets, etc.

This would be the greatest thing in the history of ever.

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