Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Haunted Websites

We have haunted houses, so why not haunted websites?

There could be scary things that pop out at you as you naviagte around, though that's just one way to accomplish this. You could also create legends about people who went to the website and died and now haunt it. Or if you click on certain pages then you'll die, too. Scary!

I feel like a movie studio might do this to promote a crappy movie but that's stupid and I don't want them to.

I want a team of crafty writers to develop stories and then to have a bunch of talented designers put it together. Like, there's one portal site for all these different haunted sites (which are really just new sites made to look like real websites). Or maybe existing sites could volunteer to be haunted.

And maybe on one page you see a kid in a picture, but then it's gone when you go back to that page. Or at varying intervals the screen goes black and then comes back in a second.

Scared yet? No, not of me, of the website. Fine. Forget you then.

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