Saturday, November 1, 2008

If it floats, you're a witch

We were at APE today, which was pretty rad. If you weren't, you should come and see us tomorrow.

As for the idea today, it's to build a boat. Well, not so much a boat, but something that might float you. No cheating and using inflatable stuff. I think you should do it for less than a $100 and I think you should get all the parts from Urban Ore or a similar salvage yard type place. Maybe you aren't lucky enough to have an Urban Ore where you live. Who am I to judge?

So yeah, get some planks or an old door and maybe something that could act as a pontoon. And something you can use as a rudder. You'll also need nails or rope or screws to attach everything together. I don't think this should count as part of your $100 though. I'm not evil.

You can even get a few friends together and have a competition. Like, who's boat sinks the least fastest. Or rephrase that to make sense.

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