Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tiny Vintage

I was at a wine tasting the other night (no I didn't drink straight for the bottle, yes winos can show class on occasion as well - thank you Nate&Ali and Shwin) and the guy was talking about the particularities of terroir and how vintners will take their special grapes and make reserve wines that are def better than the swill they normally sell us. Soo...

If they're already able to tell which grapes are going to be the best, they should make super limited reserve wines with those ones. Like, every winery should do this. I'm talking like max 100 bottles, maybe even like 25, maybe even 10. And this micro-reverse would be simply an attempt to make the best possible wine with the best possible grapes. And don't even sell that shit. Or like sell just a few. Maybe they do this already, but I think it should totally happen and that I should get in on whatever party it is that they decide to come together and crack those bottles open to share.


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