Sunday, November 23, 2008

(Vam)Pyrrhic Victory

That title is likely to have been misleading by the time you get to the end of the post, but really sounds to rad to have passed up. That and I'm off the belief that I can argue for the rightness of any title if need be and end up sounding at least halfway convincing. And so it goes.

Winter means less light and far too much dark. Often I get sad about this. Today (which is not today) I woke up from an afternoon nap in the total dark. This has always been a nurtured peeve of mine. Today, however, I'm saying no more.

Today I'm saying, nightwalkers, my friends, embrace the dark. I mean, I like the sunshine just fine. But don't I also love the night life and therefore, relatedly, to party? I know. Why them should I refuse to appreciate having extra night time? I can appreciate it. So I will.

You should join me in this. Think about the things that are more fun to do in the cover of night. Think about how you can go to an earlier in the day movie and not go into the theatre in the light and exit in the dark (it's already dark out!). Think of the parties that can start earlier and rage longer. Oh gothy friends, what have we to fear from the night? Are we not one with her wan pall? Can we not indulge our spooky urges? We can.

All this is yours if you'll simply flip your thinking around and decide to embrace the growth of the night. And then when it starts going the other way again you can drop the facade and return to loving the day.

And people who live in lands where there is winter. You have just a whole other set of problems and I can't offer you as much help. Even my positivism doesn't want to take on six months of dreary sludge. Lo seinto.

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