Friday, November 21, 2008

Spin Up

How is JJ Abrams not doing this right this minute? Or is he?

Spin off that people don't know is a spin off. Seriously, listen up.

I suppose you can only do this once, but what happens is (and don't tell anybody) on series that has a lot of crazy mysteries, or that at least has some big unknowns gets a spin off. Only nobody tells anybody that it is a spin off.

And like slowly things start to get revealed on show two that make it seems eerily reminiscent of show one. But only really vaguely so that maybe you get the sense that they are similar types of shows or share some sort of similar sense of how the world works.

And then boom, you realize that actually the whole time you've been watching the other half of this other show and the two just come together in some big epic combination that fleshes both out through their combination.

Obviously this would have to be done with such artistry and skill that no one could figure out that that was what was going on. And secondly it'd have to be such a good combination of the two that it was worthwhile for them to be brought together. EG they would have to use the fact that they were two different shows in such a way that one show simply couldn't have achieved the same thing. Which is how it would go from being a trick to being something actually interesting and value as concerns the basic medium.

The other problem obviously is how to get people to watch both shows without telling them that they need to be watching both shows. But with people like Joss Whedon or JJ Abrams fans tend to follow them from show to show. And one could assume that this could go on for seasons without revealing the two shows being the connected such that you could wait until both had a huge fan base and even work to make sure it was a very similar fan base. Appealing to the same sets of people and what not.

Emmy please.

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