Friday, December 26, 2008

Doctor You

This is clearly a mistake, but I'm writing it anyways. I want people to have their own access to basic doctoring supplies. I'm envisioning a kit that is made up of a series of common tinctures. And perhaps you have a pass a basic sanity test before being allowed to have one. And yes, it can not have some of the big guns that are either super addictive or dangerous. But like, how about some of the basic elements that end up in most potions the doctors give us? A small quantity of the HCL stuff, a little bit of steroid, the basics of antibiotics. I feel like you could do this in a safe way. I mean, I don't know how, but someone could devise something for that. And then you could totally make it so people could mix up as a pill or a salve or what have you the basic necessities. Save you a doctor trip, same you the insane medicine costs.

I figure someone out there could totally whip up a kit like this full of totally legal substances too that was more like an herbal remedy kit. Which would be less cool in my mind, but would none the less get to the point of what I'm saying. Think if this like an advanced first aid kit. Basically we all have these things in our medicine cabinets anyways. Someone should just make a super well put together and full of instructions for use kit like that. Colds, allergies, headaches, cuts and bruises, minor infections, all that jazz. Go to.

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