Thursday, December 25, 2008

Driving Miss Daisy, the video game

Sorry for two video game posts in a row. Oh, and sorry for a video game post on Christmas. I realize it should be something about loving your fellow man, etc. but it just wasn't in the cards. My sincerest apologies.

The big Jose Calderon assist for this one goes to Luis. He wanted all Morgan Freeman I'll see what I can do.

Todays idea is about taking movies that really don't need to be turned into video games and doing just that. Like, Driving Miss Daisy, per the title. I guess you'd just kind of drive around in that one? At it's core it would be a driving game. Where you get points for running errands, I guess? I never saw the movie so it's hard to be too specific.

But there could be a Shawshank Redemption game. And that one I can speak to. You'd try not to get raped, smuggle shit into the prison, and some other related prison jobs.

Robin Hood, Batman Begins, and Wanted are already games...

But Evan Almighty isn't! And neither is the Bucket List! And holy fuck Morgan Freeman has been in a handful of movies.

But really, just make those overly dramatic films (or romantic comedies for that matter) into video games. Why? For the sheer ridiculousness of it.

And of course, Merry Christmas.


Greg N said...

perhaps you could have a "relationship builder" meter that would represent the growing understanding between you and ms. daisy.

Anonymous said...

I am waiting with anticipation for Outbreak: Out On The Loose. You could be the monkey with the virus and your goal is to bite and hump as many humans as possible.