Thursday, July 10, 2008


Back to the arts and crafts ideas. I thought it would be fun to make you're picture frame. Doesn't that sound fun?

Now, there are probably a million (better) ways to do it, but here's how I would tackle this particular project. Take any picture and lay it on a larger piece of matting or cardboard or construction paper. You can glue it on there if you want but that kinda ruins the picture. A better option would be to cut a slightly smaller than picture sized hole in another piece of mat and lay it over the original mat and glue those together, those trapping but not damaging the picture. Am I spelling "mat" wrong? Maybe it's "matte". Fuck it.

Then build your frame. Make it out of rulers or old toys or book bindings or an entire book or cookery or etc. You get the idea. Next, cut off any excess matting. You don't want it to show when you attach it to the frame.

Finally, glue that sumbitch frame onto your mat. If you're using odd shaped objects you'll have to be all strategical about where you glue it. But you can do it.

Homemade frames are the new flat screen TV's.

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