Monday, September 29, 2008

Mix and Match China Cabinet

For one I feel like not enough people have china cabinets anymore. And maybe that is because my friends are youngish and don't have space, money or enough stuff to put in a china cabinet to make them worth the effort. But that aside, I think we can do more interesting things with them too.

So basically a china cabinet is a series of shelves with glass doors right? I feel like we could probably get more interesting things in there than just china. (Which might simultaneously make them more valuable for people of my age/income/zaniness.) I mean, keep the china (as much as you have) in one section, all pretty and nice and on display. But then in another section (closed off from the first) throw in a UV light and put a little herb garden or something.

And then maybe some of your favourite books could go in another one. Special books, you know? And then little bric-a-brak sculpture things in another.

I mean, I don't have all the answers here. But I feel like this furniture object in particular could be an interesting container is somewhat small places for many different things, such that it could be like it's own mini arts and interests gallery of your own. Think of it as the personal museum of you.

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