Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bringing back the bayou

You know how when you're on Pirates of the Caribbean, that guy playing Yankee Doodle Dandy on the banjo is a little bit eerie, but also a little bit romantic? What I want is the existence of that in real life.

The Audubon Zoo in New Orleans has a special Cajun section complete with floating general stores, which leads me to believe that such things have existed in the past and therefore could exist again.

I know bayous are kind of infamous for their still water insects and dearth of forward-looking people, but let's say you could make it a place that was mostly pleasant, but maybe a tiny bit sinister to keep it romantic. It would be like a scene out of Dinotopia with a little Captain Jack Sparrow tossed in. At night there would be crickets in the mangrove trees and you'd hang lanterns across your houseboat so you could see in the pitch-blackness and people would paddle up to the floating bar to play music and listen to the stories of the guy passing through.

How great would that be as an artist retreat? You could fish or write or paint during the day and hang with the other artists at night, or not, for example. Something to take you out of your normal surroundings and be completely different for a while. And if you liked it, you could stay.

I don't know how you go about making that happen, but I still think it's a good idea.

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