Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Clock Management

I have no idea if this would work and be helpful or if it would just make things worse. But that's never been an idea not to suggest something.

What if for every task you enagaged in, whether it be paying bills or doing laundry or finishing a project at work you assigned yourself an amount of time allotted to finish said task? That sentence got long on me. Damn. Here's a shorter version: Budget time for everything you do. Like, with an actual scoreboard style clock.

I'm thinking that if you gave yourself twenty minutes to make dinner and had to be confronted with that time (the reason for using the big clock) then you might make better use of your time. You also might freak out like Herm Edwards or Mike Martz and make horrible, horrid decisions. But that all depends on what you're like under pressure. Are you cool as a cucumber? Or are you as hot and bothered as a cucumber left in the sun?

Now you're just picking a number so until you practiced a few times you might be way over or way under. But that's ok. You can adjust that later. This is about paying attention to how long things take you and staying focused on the task at hand.

It's a little bit like counting calories or following a budget. It's a way to train your mind to think about things a little differently. Is all. I'm saying.

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