Monday, November 17, 2008

Choose your own adv....THIS IS AMAZING!

The internet. It's a powerful tool. One that allows us glimpses into worlds beyond and regions untouched. And yet no one has used it to fully explore the wonder that is Choose Your Own Adventure.

I'm talking a CYOA with lights and sounds and pictures and 4,000 alternate endings created by users. Fan fiction meets wikipedia meets online comic book meets fucking awesome. A world where every choice takes you someplace new and someplace new after that and everything is always evolving.

I KNOW this could work and could be insanely popular (amongst nerds).

I know video games are allowing users a lot more creative control...but this seems so different somehow. Nothing would need to be contained. And the user edit features would help to ensure everything stayed canoninical. Or as canon-like as the people wanted.

PS: I think it makes sense to start giving our posts more exciting titles. Studies show it increases readership by 900%.

1 comment:

Ciana said...

i thought "manage your communication" was a thrilling title.