Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Rental Aide

I am no fan of the rental lease. I'm a man on the go, a nomad in training and not capable of committing to stationary location for six months, god forbid an entire year. And so I very much dislike signing into these contracts that I'm quite likely to break.

I'm proposing a League of Concerned Citizens Regarding Rental Agreements and Assistance. Perhaps the community could decide that they want to support people who are kind enough to establish a residence for the unable to purchase their own. As in the city can help there be a certain number of rentals out there (they do that already kind of). But this could include a bit of insurance as to the people living or not living there. That is, the city could say, don't make anyone sign into a contract, but we'll be there to kick in if nobody wants to live in your place no more.

I see as a benefit of this that the city could peep in on the places up for rent that they're subsidizing and say 'hey, no wonder nobody wants to crappy place. fix it or we ain't helping pay for it no more'. That and renting peoples like me wouldn't be forced to stay in a place if they don't want to. I don't know what will happen a year from now. Or tomorrow. And I don't wanna be in locationally binding contracts. See?

I suppose the converse should be protected to tho. If I don't wanna leave I shouldn't be allowed to be thrown out or have the rent jacked up on me cause it's a hot property. This same city run agency can watch over that too. Somehow all without contracts.

Right? Right.

1 comment:

Ciana said...

hear, hear! i'm a nomad-ess in training...